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  • Writer's pictureHannah Burgess

A Little About Me

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Hey, thanks for taking a little time out of your day to have a look at Blind Mum VS The World. My name is Hannah and I was born with Ocular Albinism. Ocular Albinism is a genetic condition that reduces the pigmentation of the Iris, this means I have limited vision. It is very hard to give an accurate description of what I can actually see because of the other conditions I have, but you could try asking my Guide Dog Hetty.


I got my first guide dog, Rory, aged 13 and at the time I was the youngest Guide Dog owner in the UK. Rory only worked for a few years before he retired and I have had Hetty since 2014. Rory has since become my brothers companion dog as Jonathan also has Ocular Albinism. Having a guide dog has enabled me to feel much more confident going out on my own.


I have been with my boyfriend, Charli, for 5 years, but have known him for many more than that. When we got together, I was 17, still studying my A levels and living at home with my mum. Now we share a home and two amazing kids! Through our crazy timeline, we been on holidays abroad, day trips to zoos and museums, nights to the theatre and concerts but let's not forget the evenings down the pub and cuddles up on the sofa watching Shrek. Charli is, and always has been so supportive of everything I do, and if i do say so myself, we make a pretty strong team!


I have two crazy babies. My eldest Lyra is 2 and along with being funny, cheeky and a clever clogs, she is also the sassiest person I know! (apparently she gets that from me but I refuse to accept it). She is also the very proud big sister of baby Leo. Leo is 3 months old and his smiles and laughs are our favourite thing to see when he wakes us up too early in the morning. Watching them grow and learn is the best job I could ask for.


I have 2 Sisters, Rachel and Leia, and 6 Brothers, Liam, Jason, Jonathan, Charlie, Luca and Rafferty. Things are a little confusing as my parents are both remarried so there are step brothers and half brothers but to myself they are all just my siblings and I love them all. Not forgetting my Brother-In-Law Luke who married my eldest sister Rachel.


Hopefully I have been able to give you a little insight into my crazy life! there is always something going on but i wouldn't have it any other way. | cant wait to share more with you, and for you to get a glimpse into my journey through motherhood.

H x

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